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Yoga Stretches

Wendy Wild Yoga

It’s Time for Yoga

Post: Welcome
  • Wendy Wild

Middle age, it's just a number...

Updated: Aug 23, 2019

I don't really think about age, it just isn't important, it's a number that man made to create a timeline in life, it's just a mindset. I forget I'm not in my 30's anymore, or for that matter, my 40's! Life is a journey, you learn, you get hurt, you suffer pain and trauma and loss and ups and downs and joy and happiness and fun and laughter, it's all there, a right mixed bag, it isn't always amazing the way you thing it is going to be when you are younger, but you learn and adapt and grow and you mellow. Life is what we think it do you want your life to be? What will it take to make that happen? Be nice, be compassionate, forgive, don't judge, we are all on a journey, there might be bumps along the road but we find comfort and support from our families, our friends and also, for me, my yoga practice.

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